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匹配条件: “Andrea Salazar U.” ,找到相关结果约46718条。
Cytogenetic study of 677 spontaneous abortions.
Andrea Salazar U.,Carolina álamos B.,Marcela Arriagada A.,Eliana Selman C
Revista ANACEM , 2011,
Abstract: INTRODUCCION: The human reproduction is a relatively inefficient process. In the 15 to 20% of the pregnancy clinically diagnosticated finish in spontaneous abortions. The great emotional impact, that in many times is worst by the lack of diagnostic. OBJECTIVE: Describe experience of the Cytogenetic Laboratory of Clínica Sanatorio Alemán of Concepción Chile and determinate the frequency of alteration and his relationship with maternal age. MATERIAL AND METHOD: 677 samples of tissue of spontaneous abortions, taked from July, 1996 to April, 2009. It is a descriptive work; the samples are chorionic villous, cultivated in standard solutions. RESULTS: Of 677 samples in 259 was found a normal cariotype (38.3%). In 418 was found some type of chromosome aberrations (61.7%). The distribution of the abnormal result is the follow: 265 trisomies (63.4%), 83 polyploidy (19.8%), 48 monosomy (11.5%) and 22 abnormalities structures (5.3%). Of the trisomies the most recurrent is 16 trisomy with the 34.4%, follow by the 21 trisomy with 13.6% and the 22 trisomy with 12.8%. In the statistic analysis we found a statistically significant relation between the age of the mother (<38 years) and the development of chromosomal alterations (p<0.0001). DISCUSSION: The 61.7% of abortions show some cytogenetic alteration. The 16 trisomies were the most frequent, agreeing with the literature. The trisomy 21 was more common than published to date. In older women is most frequent found chromosome aberrations (p<0.0001).
Estudio Citogenético en 677 casos de aborto espontáneo.
Andrea Salazar U.,Carolina álamos B.,Marcela Arriagada A.,Eliana Selman C
Revista ANACEM , 2011,
Abstract: RESUMENINTRODUCCIóN: La reproducción humana es un proceso relativamente ineficaz. Los abortos espontáneos ocurren entre el 15 a 20% de los embarazos clínicamente reconocidos. El impacto emocional se acentúa debido a la falta de diagnóstico. OBJETIVO: Describir la experiencia del Laboratorio de Citogenética de la Clínica Sanatorio Alemán de Concepción e identificar las alteraciones más frecuentes y su relación estadística con la edad materna. MATERIAL Y MéTODO: 677 muestras de tejido obtenidas de abortos espontáneos, ocurridos desde julio de 1996 a abril de 2009. Es un trabajo de tipo transversal donde las muestras utilizadas son las vellosidades coriónicas, cultivadas en medios estandarizados. RESULTADOS: De las 677 muestras estudiadas, en 259 se obtuvo un cariotipo normal (38,3%). En 418 muestras se encontraron anomalías cromosómicas, correspondiendo estas a un 61,7%. Entre los cariogramas alterados se encontraron: 265 trisomías (63,4%), 83 poliploidías (19,9%), 48 monosomías (11,5%) y 22 alteraciones estructurales (5,3%). La trisomía más frecuente fue la 16 (34,4%), seguida de la trisomía 21 (13,6%). Se encontró una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la edad de la madre (> 37 a os) y la presencia de alteraciones citogenéticas (p<0,0001). DISCUSIóN: El 61,7% de los abortos presentó alguna alteración del cariotipo. La trisomía 16 fue la aberración más frecuente concordando con la literatura. La trisomía 21 se presentó en un 13,6 % siendo más frecuente que lo encontrado en series extranjeras. En el grupo mayor de 37 a os existe mayor prevalencia de anomalías cromosómicas siendo estadísticamente significativa (p<0,0001).
Quiste pilonidal abscedado: Tratamiento definitivo en un solo tiempo durante el episodio agudo, resultados a corto plazo
Revista chilena de cirugía , 2011, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-40262011000100009
Abstract: sacrococcigeal pilonidal disease (epsc) is a chronic inflammatory disease with intercurrent periods of abscess formation. habitual behavior is the management in two stages, characterized by drainage and delayed management using different techniques. objective: to show the treatment in a single time (definitive) of the epsc abscessed with the technique of mc fee. materials and methods: prospective study. 20 patients with abscessed epsc were admitted in the hospital of los angeles, between april 2009 - april 2010, who underwent mc fee technique as definitive treatment. average follow up of 197 days. results: of 20 patients, 11 were females. average age 28.2 years. bmi 27.5. the average hospital stay was 1.7 days. the average time walk without pain was of 6.6 days. postoperative pain was low in most subjects. the total healing time was 34.9 days on average. the satisfaction with the scar was high in 90%. discussion and conclusion: in this study the technique of mc fee is presented as an alternative for definitive treatment in a single time. success in all areas, such pain, postoperative recovery, complications and cosmetic out come. the follow up must be longer to determine the existence of long term recurrences.
María Mercedes Cuéllar. Los sindicatos y la asignación del ingreso en Colombia. Un siglo de historia laboral
Salazar Carre?o Paola Andrea
Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura , 2010,
Abstract: La autora se propone realizar un análisis sobre las condiciones de la fuerza de trabajo en Colombia entre (1900-2008) teniendo en cuenta el predominio de los distintos grupos de interés, especialmente los due os de capital y las fuerzas de trabajo, en el marco de la interacción que da lugar a la configuración de organizaciones e instituciones. Esta concepción está fuertemente influida por el neoinstitucionalismo propuesto por Douglas North, quien entiende las instituciones como reglas de juego o límites que estructuran los incentivos de los individuos en el intercambio y, por tanto, inciden en la estabilidad, los cambios y las características del desempe o económico.
Hacia la búsqueda de efectividad en promoción de la salud en América Latina
Salazar,Ligia de; Vélez,Jenny Andrea;
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva , 2004, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-81232004000300022
Abstract: health promotion in the latin america region has been expressed not only as a goal but as a political will of governments, health institutions and educative centers. the implementation of its principles and components is in itself a challenge in a region where health determinants and therefore the conditions to be healthy are far from the expected, demanding intersectoral actions and sometimes complex interventions that goes beyond the health sector and individual actions. it has been recognized the need to evaluate its achievements and effects in both, people capacity to deal with health problems and its determinants and changes in health status and conditions to be healthy. this task constitutes not only an ethical imperative but a methodological and political challenge which has been faced through the project evidences of effectiveness in health promotion in latin america as an initiative of the iuhpe. awareness, training, evaluation research, information dissemination and advocacy, are the main strategies and activities of the project, in order to strength the regional capacity and infrastructure to develop, publish and use evaluations results to influence decisions regarding health promotion.
Andrea Solera Herrera,Wálter Salazar Rojas
Pensar en Movimiento : Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud , 2001,
Abstract: Para examinar la influencia de la deshidratación y la rehidratación en procesos cognitivos, 23 sujetos (de 23,5 a os como edad promedio) fueron sometidos a tres tratamientos de hora y media cada uno, realizando una batería de pruebas cognitivas a los minutos 0, 30, 60 y 90. La batería de pruebas cognitivas consistió en la aplicación del Test de la Mano de Nelson para medir velocidad de reacción, el Trail Making Test para medir percepción visual, y el Verbal Script Digit Span para medir memoria auditiva. Los tratamientos fueron, uno en condición pasiva, otro realizando ejercicio a un 70% de intensidad buscando la deshidratación, y otro realizando ejercicio a un 70% de intensidad bajo un protocolo de rehidratación, que consistió en tomar una bebida deportiva comercial de la siguiente forma: 250 ml antes de iniciar el ejercicio, y entre 100 y 200 ml cada 15 minutos de ejercicio. El ejercicio se realizó en una bicicleta ergométrica y en un laboratorio de ambiente controlado donde la temperatura se mantuvo constante a 28°C y la humedad relativa al 100%. Los sujetos perdieron en promedio en la condición de deshidratación un 1.78% de su peso corporal. El análisis de varianza de dos vías demostró que para la velocidad de reacción existen diferencias significativas (p < 0.05) las cuales indican que (1) la velocidad de reacción aumentó conforme transcurrió el tiempo de ejercicio (2) que la velocidad de reacción aumentó significativamente cuando los sujetos se rehidrataron. Las implicaciones de este estudio son que el deportista que hace ejercicio en condiciones de calor y humedad, debe tener un protocolo adecuado de rehidratación que le permita mantener el nivel óptimo de procesamiento cognitivo.
Evaluación del impacto de acciones de bienestar sobre una comunidad en Colombia usando un modelo para datos correlacionados
Valencia C,Marisol; Salazar U,Juan C;
Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública , 2010,
Abstract: the impact evaluation of a communitarian program sometimes is based on statistical techniques such as linear regression models analysis when the goal is usually to quantify its effects on both social and welfare characteristics of a community. this involves the study of mental health and social variables which effects could not be easily quantified due to the presence of correlation structures among the observations within a particular subject. for this reason it is advisable to use linear mixed models to this kind of study. objective: to calculate the impact of the effects produced by actions of the instituto de deportes y recreación de medellín (inder) on the participant population. methodology: from a sample collected by inder back in 2007, about participants and no participants of its programs, generalized linear models were estimated to explain the behavior of both social and psychological variables. then, by using a logistic regression model a matching procedure was performed to identify the subjects and their repeated measures that will serve as inputs to measure the impact of the intervention of the welfare activities on the community by means of a linear mixed model. results: the linear mixed estimation process identified important interaction variables that favor the intervention welfare actions. conclusions: from the participation in the inder activities, an improvement of variables related with social capital was found.
Impact evaluation ofwelfare actions over a community in Colombia, using a data correlated model
Marisol Valencia C,Juan C. Salazar U
Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud Pública , 2010,
Abstract: The impact evaluation of a communitarian program sometimes is based on statistical techniques such as linear regression models analysis when the goal is usually to quantify its effects on both social and welfare characteristics of a community. This involves the study of mental health and social variables which effects could not be easily quantified due to the presence of correlation structures among the observations within a particular subject. For this reason it is advisable to use linear mixed models to this kind of study. Objective: To calculate the impact of the effects produced by actions of the Instituto de Deportes y Recreación de Medellín (i n d e r) on the participant population. Methodology: from a sample collected by i n d e r back in 2007, about participants and no participants of its programs, generalized linear models were estimated to explain the behavior of both social and psychological variables. Then, by using a logistic regression model a matching procedure was performed to identify the subjects and their repeated measures that will serve as inputs to measure the impact of the intervention of the welfare activities on the community by means of a linear mixed model. Results: The linear mixed estimation process identified important interaction variables that favor the intervention welfare actions. Conclusions:from the participation in the i n d e r activities, an improvement of variables related with social capital was found.
Evaluation of On-Farm Quick Tests on Slurries from Southern Chile Dairy Farms Evaluación de Kits de Terreno para el Análisis Rápido de Purines en Lecherías del Sur de Chile
Francisco Salazar S,Marianela Rosas U
Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research , 2012,
Abstract: Currently in Chile, there is a lack of tools to determine the real-time nutrient contribution of slurries. This study aims to evaluate three quick tests for their accuracy in estimating the total contents of N (TN), P (TP), K (TK), and ammonium-N (N-NH4+) in dairy slurries. The quick tests included the Agros Nova Meter, Quantofix N Volumeter, and a hydrometer. While the Agros and Quantofix meters directly measure the ammonium-N content; the hydrometer indirectly estimates the total content of N, P, and K based on linear relationships with the slurry DM. Samples (73) were collected from dairy farms along Southern Chile (39° to 44° S and 71 to 73° W). Analyses were carried out on laboratory conditions using conventional techniques as well as using each of the quick tests. Results were subjected to straight-line regression analyses. Agros and Quantofix N-NH4+ measurements were accurate (P < 0.01; r2 > 0.80). The hydrometer estimations of TN, TP, and TK were also reliable (P < 0.01). Best results were obtained with P (r2 = 0.87) and N (r2 = 0.79) total contents. To evaluate the kits on-farm and transfer those to dairy producers may constitute a next step towards an efficient management of organic residues in dairy farms in Chile. Actualmente en Chile se carece de herramientas para determinar en tiempo real el aporte de nutrientes de purines. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la exactitud de tres kits de análisis rápido en la estimación del contenido total de N (TN), P (TP), K (TK) y N amoniacal (N-NH4+) en purines de lechería. Los kits incluyeron el Agros Nova Meter, Quantofix N Volumeter y un hidrómetro. Mientras Agros y Quantofix miden directamente el contenido de N amoniacal; el hidrómetro estima indirectamente el contenido total de N, P y K basado en relaciones lineales con la materia seca del purín. Las muestras (73) fueron colectadas en lecherías del Sur de Chile (39° a 44° S y 71 a 73° O). Los análisis se realizaron en condiciones de laboratorio utilizando técnicas convencionales y cada uno de los kits. Los resultados fueron sometidos a análisis de regresión lineal. Las mediciones de N-NH4+ de Agros y Quantofix fueron exactas (P < 0,01; r2 > 0,80). Las estimaciones de TN, TP y TK del hidrómetro también fueron confiables (P < 0,01). Se obtuvieron mejores resultados con P (r2 = 0,87) y N (r2 = 0,79). Evaluar los kits en terreno y transferirlos a productores podría constituir un siguiente paso hacia el manejo eficiente de residuos orgánicos en lecherías de Chile.
Out of Balance—Systemic Iron Homeostasis in Iron-Related Disorders
Andrea U. Steinbicker,Martina U. Muckenthaler
Nutrients , 2013, DOI: 10.3390/nu5083034
Abstract: Iron is an essential element in our daily diet. Most iron is required for the de novo synthesis of red blood cells, where it plays a critical role in oxygen binding to hemoglobin. Thus, iron deficiency causes anemia, a major public health burden worldwide. On the other extreme, iron accumulation in critical organs such as liver, heart, and pancreas causes organ dysfunction due to the generation of oxidative stress. Therefore, systemic iron levels must be tightly balanced. Here we focus on the regulatory role of the hepcidin/ferroportin circuitry as the major regulator of systemic iron homeostasis. We discuss how regulatory cues (e.g., iron, inflammation, or hypoxia) affect the hepcidin response and how impairment of the hepcidin/ferroportin regulatory system causes disorders of iron metabolism.

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